St. Francis of Assisi School

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STFOA Newsletter

Friday, June 11, 2024
Dear Families,
Today is the last day of the 2024-2025 school year.  Even after 39 years in education, I am still surprised how quickly the end of a school year arrives.  This is my last, last day of school. Even when we know they are coming, endings can be surprisingly hard. Every ending is also a beginning, and beginnings are full of so many possibilities.
Over the last 12 years, I have written hundreds of principal letters. I have shared my thoughts and my stories.  During the COVID lockdown, I wrote a principal letter every Friday for over a year as our community walked through the storm together. Thank you for reading and caring.  As I write my final letter as principal, I will tell you one last story- the story of how I came to be the principal at St. Francis of Assisi School.
Fourteen years ago, I had my principal’s credentials and was working at a school in the Renton School District. I wasn’t yet a principal nor was I ready to be one. My mom, who had once been a teacher, volunteered at St. George.  When she heard they were looking for a principal, she called me. “You should apply to be the principal at St. George.  It’s a wonderful school.” Because I loved my mom, and because she could be persistent, I applied. A few weeks later, I received a nice letter thanking me for my application and letting me know they had given the job to someone else.  My principal application was now in the Seattle Archdiocese Catholic Schools’ job pool.
The next spring, I was ready to be a principal. I started applying for public school positions. Although I had gone to Catholic schools growing up, I had taught and worked as an instructional coach and an administrator in Renton for 27 years. I was a public school educator. 
I had interviews lined up with several school districts when someone on the St. Francis' principal search committee called me. She said she read my application and asked why my letter of interest was addressed to St. George. I told her I had never applied to St. Francis, only to St. George.  
Eventually, the phone call led me to interviewing with St. Francis.  When I left for my 7:00 PM interview at St. Francis of Assisi School, I told my husband that it was to practice for the two different public school principal interviews I had lined up for the following week.  
The St Francis interview began. About halfway through, I had this enormous sense of peace. It felt like I had come home. Afterwards, I told my husband, “That’s my job. I didn’t know it, but it's the job God wants me to have.”  
The next morning at 8:00 AM there was a voice message on my phone from a search committee member.  It said they wanted to offer me the job, and that I was everyone’s first choice. I accepted the position and signed the contract.  It was a new beginning.  
Over the last 12 years, through all the wonderful times and some really difficult times, with a whole lot of praying, faith, learning, laughter, hard work, support, and kindness, and as part of a community of truly, truly amazing people-,young and old, I have been blessed that St. Francis of Assisi School has been my home. Everyday, for the past twelve years, I have prayed for you and thanked God for bringing me here.
I am not the only one leaving St. Francis of Assisi School this year.  Mona Anderson, our outstanding EDP director, is also retiring.  Mona founded our EDP program from scratch and grew it to what it is today.  She is simply amazing! Summer Petitore and Anita Aleaga will share the EDP director position.
Rita Hulsman, a long-time junior high teacher at our school, is also retiring. Rita is truly one of the best people I know.  Her care for others is impressive. I appreciate all that she has done for our school and all of us.
Although not retiring, Kristin Gimelli Hemme, our seventh grade homeroom/math and junior high science teacher, is moving on to new places.  I am grateful for her kindness, care and the effort she put into helping all of students succeed.  We are happy to welcome Kate Skelly to our junior high team. She comes to us from Hope Academy,  She has a Masters of Physician Assistant Studies and a Masters of Education with an endorsement in Secondary Science.  Kate is excited to join our school community.
Briana Stein is going to stay home with her amazing baby boy and won’t be returning to teach fifth grade next year.  We will miss her kindness, creativity and smile.  We are happy to welcome Kristen Walsh to our school.  Kristen comes to us from nearby Gregory Heights.  She has had a variety of interesting jobs including teaching creative writing at Seward Park, tutoring second graders, and developing curriculum for Plant for the Planet.  She looks forward to coming to St. Francis.
Next, we will no longer be sharing a Spanish teacher with Kennedy Catholic, so Genesis Brown will not be returning next year.  Instead, we are welcoming Bridgette Hughes Cabiles as our new seventh and eighth grade Spanish teacher.  Bridgette comes to us with over twenty years of high school Spanish teaching experience and is a parent at our school. We are delighted to have her join our teaching staff.
Today, I went around saying goodbye to the different classes. I told them that I loved them and wanted all good things for them.  I wish the same for all of you..
I look forward to the new after thirty-nine years, it’s nice to have a career that you are very sad to see end. I have been blessed. Thank you.
Breathe. Pray. Laugh. Appreciate the moments. Be kinder than you think necessary.  Thank you for being a community that rises.  Reach out if you can help or need help.
Peace and blessings,
Rosemary Leifer