Dear Parents and Guardians,
Last night was Math Night. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but wow it was fun! The kids were especially excited about the estimation activities. I am still not sure if I know how to do some of the games! This is such a great night to learn that math isn’t scary and we do not need to be intimidated by numbers and operations!
We are seeking Altar Servers for school Masses and funerals during the week. Do you have a student in grade 5-8? Have they received their First Communion? Do they want to serve God in a special way during Mass? They can join the Altar Server Ministry! As an altar server, they will have the privilege of helping the priest during Mass, learn more about their faith, and play an important role in our church community. If they are interested, send them to see Ms. Bradish. Training will be provided.
In your envelope this week you will find your students (grades 2-8) MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) progress reports. We are committed to ongoing student learning assessment and data review by utilizing the MAP Growth assessments in Reading, Math and Language Arts. The Measure of Academic Progress assists teachers in assessing student areas of growth and areas of strength. We have included an explanation sheet to help you understand the report information. If you have any questions, please reach out to your student’s homeroom teacher.
You will also receive the sign up sheet for conferences. Conferences are our opportunity for families to meet with their student’s teachers. Please complete the form and return it in your family envelope.
A reminder about drop off and pick up- students should be dropped off /picked up in the carpool line, or walked to/from the church parking lot. The bus turnouts and parking spaces in front of the Parish Office and Church should not be used. Please do not stop on 21st and let your students out of your car. When using carpool PULL ALL the way forward to let your student(s) out. The more cars that pull forward the more cars will fit in the carpool line. Thank you for helping us to keep our students and families safe!
Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Let’s make this year one filled with faith, learning, and community!
Peace and Blessings,
Nancy Bradish, Interim Principal