St. Francis of Assisi School

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Auction Procurement Challenge

There are 4 ways to satisfy your procurement requirements. Turn in your procurement form by November 30th and help your student win a classroom party!
Win a classroom party by turning in your auction procurement early!  The auction committee is kicking off a class contest: the class with the highest percentage of students whose families have met their procurement obligation by November 30th will win either an ice cream or pizza party!  

If you are looking for ideas on what to donate, we can help!  We have lots of great suggestions on our website here, or email [email protected] for more ideas or help.  Our auction is only as good as the items we put into it, so we need your donations!  Our favorite donations are weekend getaways, event tickets, and we love it when families come together to create special offerings (hosted dinner parties, boat rides, nights out, themed baskets, and more).

You can submit your procurement donation here, or visit our website for more details on the classroom procurement contest.  We will announce the winning classroom December 4th!  Good luck!